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C.H. Park, H.F. Rios, A.D. Taut, M. Padial Molina, C. Flanagan, S. Pilipchuk, S. Hollister and W.V. Giannobile,  "Image-based, Fiber Guiding Scaffolds: A Platform for Regenerating Tissue Interfaces",  Tissue Engineering. Part C. Methods , -, 2013
F.J. O'Valle Ravassa, M. Caba-Molina, R.M. Ríos-Pelegrina, V. Lora-Crespo, A. Monje-Correa, I. Ortega-Oller, L. Torrecillas-Martínez, F. Suárez-López Del Amo, F.L. Mesa Aguado and P.A. Galindo Moreno,  "Immunohistochemical and morphological study of chronic periodontitis and peri-implantitis. Two entities with similar histopathological features",  Histology and Histopathology: cellular and molecular biology, vol.28 , 35-35, 2013
P.A. Galindo Moreno, P. Hernández-Cortés, R. Rios , M. Camara and F. O¿valle,  "Immunophenotype of Dental Implant-Associated Peripheral Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma in a representative case report.",  Journal of Oral Implantology , -, 2013
M. Velasco Torres "is there a gender difference in anatomic features of incisive canal and maxillary environmental bone?",  Clinical Oral Implants Research, vol.24 , 1023-1026, 2013
P. Hernández-Cortés , R. Gómez-García, V. Crespo-Lora, J.A. Retamero-Díaz, J. Gonzalez-Sanchez, P.A. Galindo Moreno and F.J. O'Valle Ravassa,  "Morphological study of changes produced by histopathological graphene oxide grafted in rats",  Histology and Histopathology: cellular and molecular biology, vol.28 , 74-74, 2013
R.M. García Del Moral-Martín, M. Gomez-Morales, P. Hernández-Cortés , D. Aguilar-Peña, T. Caballero-Morales, J. Aneiros -Fernández, M. Caba-Molina, M.D. Rodríguez-Martínez, A.C. Peralta-Leal, P.A. Galindo Moreno, A. Osuna-Ortega, F.J. Oliver Pozo, R.M. García Del Moral Garrido and F.J. O'Valle Ravassa,  "PARP Inhibition Attenuates Histopathological Lesion in Ischemia/Reperfusion Renal Mouse Model after Cold Prolonged Ischemia",  The Scientific World Journal, vol.REVISTA ONLINE , 1-8, 2013
M. Padial Molina, S.L. Volk and H.F. Rios,  "Periostin increases migration and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts challenged by tumor necrosis factor-a and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharides",  Journal of Periodontal Research , -, 2013
M. Padial Molina, S.L. Volk and H.F. Rios,  "Periostin rescues migration and proliferation of human PDL fibroblasts",  Journal of Dental Research, vol.92 , 1602-, 2013

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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