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P.A. Galindo Moreno, I. Moreno-Riestra, G. Avila , M. Padial Molina, J.A. Payá-Colmenero, H. Wang and F.J. O'Valle Ravassa,  "Effect of anorganic bovine bone to autogenous cortical bone ratio upon bone remodeling pattern in maxillary sinus augmentation", "Clinical Oral Implants Research" , vol.22, 857-864, 2011
P.A. Galindo Moreno, M. Padial Molina, M. Gómez Morales, J. Aneiros Fernández, A.M. Solana Sánchez and F.J. O'Valle Ravassa,  "MULTIFOCAL ORAL MELANOACANTHOMA AND MELANOTIC MACULA IN PATIENT AFTER DENTAL IMPLANT SURGERY", "JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION " , vol.142, 817-824, 2011
M. Padial Molina, P.A. Galindo Moreno, J.E. Fernández-Barbero, F.J. O'Valle Ravassa, A.B. Jódar Reyes, J.L. Ortega-Vinuesa and P.J. Ramón-Torregrosa,  "Role of wettability and nanoroughness on interactions between osteoblast and modified silicon surfaces", "Acta Biomaterialia" , vol.7, 771-778, 2011
M. Padial Molina, P.A. Galindo Moreno, J.E. Fernández Barbero, F.J. O'Valle Ravassa, A.B. Jódar Reyes, J.L. Ortega Vinuesa and P.J. Ramón Torregrosa,  "ROLE OF WETTABILITY AND MANOROUGHNESS ON INTERACTIONS BETWEEN OSTEOBLAST AND MODIFIED SILICON SURFACES", "ACTA BIOMATERIALIA" , vol.7, 771-778, 2011
P.A. Galindo Moreno, M. Padial Molina, E. Sánchez-Fernández, P. Hernández-Cortés , H. Wang and F.J. O'Valle Ravassa,  "Dental Implant Migration in Grafted Maxillary Sinus", "Implant Dentistry" , vol.20, 400-405, 2011
A.M. Solana Sánchez, J. Liebana Ureña, F.J. O'Valle Ravassa and P.A. Galindo Moreno,  "ORAL PATHOGENS, IMMUNITY, AND PERIODONTAL DISEASES", "CURRENT IMMUNOLOGY REVIEWS" , vol.7, 83-91, 2011
F.L. Mesa Aguado, J. Liebana Ureña, F.J. O'Valle Ravassa and P.A. Galindo Moreno,  "Oral Pathogens, Immunity and Periodontal Diseases", "Current Immunology Reviews" , vol.7, 83-91, 2011
F.L. Mesa Aguado, R. Muñoz-Martínez and P.A. Galindo Moreno,  "Reimplantation of Failed Implants: Three cases of an Unusual Procedure With 5 Year Follow Up", "The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry" , vol.3, 35-42, 2011

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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