@Article{ De_GALINDO_Sánchez-fernández_Piatelli_COBO_HERRERA:1317-1330,

author = { María De La Flor-Martínez and PABLO ANTONIO GALINDO MORENO and Elena Sánchez-fernández and Adriano Piatelli and MANUEL JESÚS COBO MARTÍN and ENRIQUE HERRERA VIEDMA } ,

title = { H-classic: a new method to identify classic articles in Implant Dentistry, Periodontics, and Oral Surgery. },

journal = { Clinical Oral Implants Research },

year = { 2016 },

volume = { 27 },

pages = { 1317-1330 },

doi = { http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/clr.12749/abstract;jsessionid=CD17E850BA458E8FE7F05AB23BDF82B2.f03t04?systemMessage=WOL+Usage+report+download+page+will+be+unavailable+on+Friday+27th+January },
